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Cagney's Live Music

Feeling good today, So hopefully will get to Cagney's this afternoon, and listen to some decent live music with Ricky, and more so a meal cooked by the delicious Kate.

La Marina

Just seen your posting. Thank you, Alan you are so sweet. Hope you enjoyed the afternoon with us. Sorry Ricky had to cut it a little short so he could get to his next gig at 6pm. Hope he hasn't pushed his voice too much. Five gigs in three days is a tall order! See you all again soon. Kate x

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2014-04-06 17:07:25 UTC

The Manchester mob arrived last night for a short stay, and hinted very clearly where they wanted to spend the afternoon. Luckily for them, Gloria and I wanted to spend Sunday afternoon at the same place as them.
Hence we came to Cagneys and as usual thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Don't worry about Ricky having to leave a little earlier, I will be in on Friday afternoon for a bit more of Ricky's singing and your food.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-04-06 19:05:56 UTC